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Over the past six years, XPMH has been handled over 11 film projects, involving in various aspects from financing, to production and sales of a diverse range of films. 

In 2017, we co-produced “Cô Ba Sai Gon” a.k.a “The Tailor” an award-winning feature film (Best Feature Film at the Golden Kite Awards, Best Creative Work at Blue Star Awards 2018 for Creative Team: Thuy Nguyen, Nguyen Minh Duong & Le Duc Hiep, Judges' Choice at 20th Vietnam Film Festival..)

Building on her previous successes, in 2019, Thuy launched her studio, “Xuong Phim Mau Hong” (meaning the colour Pink Studio) under her existing company “Thuy Design House”. 

The Drama Queen was XÆ°Æ¡ng Phim Mau Hong’s first feature film production in co-operation with Vietcomfilm Production.

Thuy also extensively involves in her community and local charities. Thuy credits her family for giving her the clarity to enjoy art, life, family, her profession, and giving back. All of her experiences and passions have coalesced in the production of The Drama Queen, her new feature film telling the journey of a transgender who has discovered her true self along the way.

Xuong Phim Mau Hong’s Vision is to share and to tell extraordinary stories and use them to inspire our audiences and engage our community

XPMH are now working with writers, directors and talents on several new feature films projects.

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